Chemical residue tests
About Chemical/Pesticide Residue Tests
The use of plant protection products was considered a key factor in crop protection. Today, environmental protection demands new methods of applied agricultural practices with reduced toxicological effects. Pesticide residues in food and fresh salads have been regulated for decades by international and national laws and strict toxicological restrictions. The Maximum Pages of Residual Pesticides (MRLs) system with the Codex Alimentarius of the International Food and Agriculture Organization (1963, FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) regulates the Maximum Pages of Residual Pesticides (MRLs) for pesticide safety.
Taking the next step in food safety?
At Healthsafetytech we specialize in food safety solutions for the hospitality and food industry. With our products you are always in control of the quality and safety of the food you produce or prepare.
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